professional pakistan rubber chemical additives antioxidant 6ppd
professional pakistan rubber chemical additives antioxidant 6ppd
professional pakistan rubber chemical additives antioxidant 6ppd
professional pakistan rubber chemical additives antioxidant 6ppd
professional pakistan rubber chemical additives antioxidant 6ppd
  • Which industrial rubber additives have higher chemical concentrations?
  • Furthermore, we quantified 15 other industrial rubber additives (including bonding agents, vulcanization accelerators, benzotriazole and benzothiazole derivatives, and diphenylamine antioxidants), observing that PPD-derived chemical concentrations were 0.5–6 times higher than these often-studied additives.
  • Is 6PPD recalcitrant under harsh pyrolysis?
  • This demonstrates the recalcitrant nature of 6PPD under harsh pyrolysis conditions and suggests solvent extraction is necessary for its removal. The TGA curve (Supplementary Fig. 11) of 6PPD shows a maximum degradation at ~300 °C and suggests that some 6PPD in the tires may sublime into the liquid product before the rubber degrades.