chemicals antioxidant rd granular import in france
chemicals antioxidant rd granular import in france
chemicals antioxidant rd granular import in france
chemicals antioxidant rd granular import in france
chemicals antioxidant rd granular import in france
  • Why is the chemical industry important in France?
  • The chemical industry in France benefits from key assets which are sources of growth and performance for the global sector, with: Increasing tensions on the labour market for both low and high-graduated profiles, especially in the production and maintenance fields.
  • What is the low-carbon strategy of the French chemical sector?
  • The Low-carbon strategy of the French Chemical sector relies on energy-efficiency, low carbon heat and less mature technologies such as carbon-free hydrogen, capture, storage or recovery of CO 2, electrification of processes.
  • Did chemical investment continue in France in 2023?
  • Despite the health crisis and the energy crisis, the momentum of chemical investment in France was maintained in 2023. According to France Chimie’s survey of its members, capital expenditure increased by 21% in value in 2023 to reach a record level to €8bn.
  • What is AnOx 20 granular phenolic antioxidant?
  • ANOX™ 20 Granular phenolic antioxidant is a high-performance stabilizer that offers outstanding resistance against discoloration while processing plastics and elastomers. ANOX™ 20 Granular provides superior protection as an antioxidant and process stabilizer for thermoplastic polymer applications.