turkey widely used chemicals antioxidant tmq granular
turkey widely used chemicals antioxidant tmq granular
turkey widely used chemicals antioxidant tmq granular
turkey widely used chemicals antioxidant tmq granular
turkey widely used chemicals antioxidant tmq granular
  • What is antioxidant TMQ?
  • Antioxidant TMQ is a widely used antioxidant, especially used in the rubber industry. Similar to other antioxidants, TMQ acts as an anti-aging agent and protects rubber from heat and heat. Antioxidants are substances that hinder oxidation. Antioxidants play a role in protecting the polymer from degradation during the production of rubber.
  • Is TMQ soluble in water?
  • TMQ is one of the most essential and effective antioxidants for natural and synthetic rubbers This material possesses powerful antioxidant properties. This combination increases the polymer’s wear resistance. It is soluble in acetone, benzene, chloroform, and disulfide but insoluble in water.
  • What is Lanxess TMQ & vulkanox HS?
  • LANXESS is one of the few manufacturers to offer the right additive for all stages of rubber production from a single source.” Growing together LANXESS markets the antioxidant TMQ (2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline) under the trade name Vulkanox HS for the production of tires and heavy-duty technical rubber goods.
  • Why is dtsm a good antioxidant?
  • In brief, the excellent antioxidative ability of DTSm can be ascribed to the synergistic antioxidative effect between hindered phenol groups and Sm ions, as well as the high thermal stability of DTSm. Fig. 4. Typical rare-earth complex antioxidants: (a) Dy (Ⅲ) complex .