free sample algeria antioxidant 6ppd rubber additives
free sample algeria antioxidant 6ppd rubber additives
free sample algeria antioxidant 6ppd rubber additives
free sample algeria antioxidant 6ppd rubber additives
free sample algeria antioxidant 6ppd rubber additives
  • Are p phenylenediamine (PPD) antioxidants in recycled tire rubber products toxic?
  • Recently, roadway releases of N, N ′-substituted p -phenylenediamine (PPD) antioxidants and their transformation products (TPs) received significant attention due to the highly toxic 6PPD-quinone. However, the occurrence of PPDs and TPs in recycled tire rubber products remains uncharacterized.
  • Do recycled tire rubber products contain PPDS and TPS?
  • However, the occurrence of PPDs and TPs in recycled tire rubber products remains uncharacterized. Here, we analyzed tire wear particles (TWPs), recycled rubber doormats, and turf-field crumb rubbers for seven PPD antioxidants, five PPD-quinones (PPDQs), and five other 6PPD TPs using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
  • Are 6ppd-106 ozonation by-products toxic?
  • 6PPD-106’s ozonation by-products were less toxic than 6PPD-quinone. N- (1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD) is one of the most widely used antioxidant agents in tire additives. Its ozonation by-product 6PPD-quinone has recently been recognized as inducing acute mortality in aquatic organisms such as coho salmon.
  • Which industrial rubber additives have higher chemical concentrations?
  • Furthermore, we quantified 15 other industrial rubber additives (including bonding agents, vulcanization accelerators, benzotriazole and benzothiazole derivatives, and diphenylamine antioxidants), observing that PPD-derived chemical concentrations were 0.5–6 times higher than these often-studied additives.